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Unlocking Key Concepts in AP World History

Unlocking Key Concepts in World History
Unlocking Key Concepts in World History

Recommended For:
AP® World History Teachers
(Grades 10-12)

6 hours (1 Day Workshop)
12 hours (2 Day Workshop)
Multi-day (3-5 Days)

World history is a beautiful subject with so much to share, learn and explore. As an educator, sharing these moments in time can be exciting, yet overwhelming for students. This workshop is designed to enhance interdisciplinary strategies and techniques used by AP® World History teachers to support student content knowledge, critical thinking, literacy and technical application skills around several themes and concepts from 600 BCE to the present, including technological and environmental transformation; organization of societies; regional, transregional and global interactions and more.

Teachers will also engage in the AP® history disciplinary practices such as analyzing historical evidence and argument development. This workshop also includes the use of AP® reasoning skills contextualization, comparison, causation, continuity and change over time.

Learning Objectives

Participants Will:

●    Assist students in their development of disciplinary practices and reasoning skills,
●    Assist students in their ability to explain the relative historical significance of a source’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience, and evaluate a source’s credibility and/or limitations,
●    Assist students in their explanation of a historian’s claim or argument with evidence,
●    Assist students in analyzing patterns and trends in quantitative data in non-text based sources and evaluate the effectiveness of a historical claim or argument,
●    Assist students in developing historically defensible claims in the form of an evaluative thesis,
●    Assist student in developing arguments using reasoning and evidence,
●    Assist students in using context to explain the relative historical significance of a specific historical development or process,
●    Assist students in explaining the difference between primary and secondary causes and between short and long-term effects and the relative historical significance of different causes and/or effects,
●    Assist students in explaining the relative historical significance of specific historical developments in relation to a larger pattern of continuity and/or change,
●    Assist students in their ability to write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes,
●    Assist students in their ability to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
●    Assist students in developing and strengthening writing,
●    Assist and encourage students to use technology to gather relevant information,
●    Assist students in their ability to conduct short and extensive research projects to answer questions or solve problems, and
●    Assist students in their ability to write routinely over extended time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.