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Using Conceptual Identifications to Promote Critical Reading and Analytic Thinking

Recommended For:
College Readiness Social Science Teachers
Pre-AP® Social Science Teachers
AP® History Teachers
(Grades 8-12)

6 hours (1 Day Workshop)

In history courses, students are often asked to define key terms, but these terms tend to be specific and lead students to memorize without analysis. Having students instead identify key concepts can lead them to actively read their textbook, as well as to analyze what they read. Using conceptual identification in the classroom can help both teacher and students build comprehension of broader topics using specific examples from history.

When completing a conceptual identification, a student is asked to define a broad concept, give an example of it, and explain its historical significance. With pre-AP® level students, this process can help learners to use specific historical events to a broader historical idea, as well as determine the significance of historical details. At the AP® level, students are challenged to find historical patterns by finding several examples over time for each concept, and to become more discerning, active readers by learning how to distinguish essential from non-essential historical elements.

Learning Objectives

Participants Will:

●    Help students identify broad historical ideas or events and their effects on society,
●    Develop strategies to teach students to analyze historical evidence,
●    Teach critical thinking as it applies to historical concepts, ideas and events, and
●    Show students how to determine the difference between essential facts and nonessential information.